Tag: terminal

  • Oh-My-ZSH on MacOS Sierra

    Oh-My-ZSH on MacOS Sierra

    If you are a developer, coder, sysadmin or IT Pro I assume that you have used the terminal either on your Unix, Linux, Mac o Windows. And the shell that usually comes as default is the good old faithful BASH shell, which is nice but not cool. What is Oh-My-Zsh? Oh-My-Zsh is an open source,…

  • Avoid SSH Timeouts on the Mac Terminal

    I admit it, I’m always with a lot of applications opened, Chrome with at least 6 tabs, Skype, Slack, PHPStorm or SublimeText, Airmail or Outlook for Mac, Photoshop and terminal. I regularly login via SSH to VPS in Digital Ocean and AWS EC2 and then run some commands like: wp plugin install wordfence Then I…