Category: MacOS

  • What the hell is cURL?

    What the hell is cURL?

    cURL is an open source command line application tool that allows you to transfer data on HTTP, HTTP/2, FTP and many others. It is used by computers, cell phones, cars, tablets, IoT devices and many more. On this article we are going to focus on using cURL to troubleshoot websites only. Installation Depending on the…

  • miniDLNA issues on MacOS Mojave (part 1)

    miniDLNA issues on MacOS Mojave (part 1)

    Last week I finally had some courage to update my Macbook to Mojave. The latest version of the MacOS family. The only thing I was really looking forward was the security updates and Dark Mode. Aside from that, it was unappealing to me. Today, I downloaded some videos and wanted to fire up my minidlna…

  • FREE Apps that I NEED on my MacOS computers

    FREE Apps that I NEED on my MacOS computers

    Chrome It’s my go-to browser. I can publicly confirm that I don’t have love for Safari (#DieSafariDie) or Opera (#OperaWho?). I use Google’s Chrome as my personal browser and I use Firefox for work. Yes I keep my personal and work life separate and you should too. However Chrome is far from perfect, so I…

  • MacOS Improvements: Homebrew

    MacOS Improvements: Homebrew

    For those who have used any Linux distro like Debian or CentOS, you are pretty familiar with packet managers. But this is also for all those Mac newbies out there, basically a packet manager is: … a collection of software tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for a computer‘s operating…